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News / May 23, 2018

Last Tuesday 22th of May took place in Kribi the official ceremony of laying the first meter of the submarine cable SAIL (South Atlantic Inter Link) between Kribi in Cameroon and Fortaleza in Brazil.

The boat carrying 6.000 km of submarine cable left the Norwegian coast on March 21st. In the coming days and thanks to the expertise of Huawei mobile engineers, the cable will be installed. According to CAMTEL (Cameroon Telecommunications), the project owner with CHINA UNICOM, the installation will have finished by the end of August.

The cable will allow to modernize the current internet broadband network in Cameroon and, thereby, to upgrade the internet capabilities in the country. Thanks to this project, Cameroon will have its digital independence and will be one of the 20 African countries to have submarine cables in their coasts.

GITGE – Gestor de Infraestructuras de Telecomunicaciones de Guinea Ecuatorial – has joined the Project by signing a contract to have a high capacity fiber optic direct link between Bata and Fortaleza.
